Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We went to Sever's last weekend with the Murphy's and had a great day! We love the Murphy's because it's always a great time! We didn't get far into the infamous maze before the words, "Mom, I have to go potty" came out of Samantha's mouth. Needless to say, we didn't make it through the maze. Namaah and Sam were also enjoying running way ahead of us, which was not okay for the mommies. I got to see the pig races which was great to pay homage to my childhood, a wildlife show for all, the Super Slide for the girls, cheese curds and cookies and the best thing ever, the corn pit! I stopped counting after finding 20 pieces of corn doing laundry the next day. There was so much to do and see, I hope we make this an annual tradition!

Here's a video of Namaah and Sam enjoying the corn pit...

Here's the "babies", Sofia and Kian checking each other out...

More of Samantha and Namaah, including the corn pit!

It was a perfect family day!

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