Saturday, July 24, 2010

Slip and Slide

We got out our slip and slide today. I have no recollection of ever doing it, so of course I had to try too. In hindsight, it would've been smarter with an actual swim suit on. Oh well, we all had fun and that is the most important thing!

We got it out another day with some friends. Thanks to Dan, Nicki, Naamah and Kian for enjoying it with us! We love spending time with you!

Being kind

With Samantha heading to school soon, I've been trying to prepare her for the upcoming social challenges that await her. We've talked about how all she can do is be kind. Sometimes kids are mean, sometimes kids won't want to play with her and the only thing she can do is be nice. There is no good that comes from being mean. With my history of being tormented in school, I'm attempting to insulate her from the "girl drama" that I know she will experience. I realize that my issues are not and should not be her issues, so I focus on specific examples of ways she can be kind and what she can do when people are not kind to her. Samantha is an assertive kid and I think that will serve her well in life.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sammy and Mommy's day

It's been a big day for Samantha and I! I wanted to spend some individual time with each of my daughters before I begin my new job.

We dropped Sofie off at Leslie's and began our special day. Samantha and I headed to Panera for breakfast, then it was off to Target for school supplies and birdseed for the feeders the girls made at daycare yesterday. She got to have a popsicle for a morning snack as a special treat. Then we headed for the park for a bit. We finally made our return to the Aquatic Center, where we had our first special day. (Of course, then it took me over 30 minutes to get her into the water... we didn't have that issue today.) After over 2 hours, we headed home for a little quiet time and food. Samantha then headed to a neighbors house to play with Izzy and Aima, who managed to get along well the entire time while I mowed the lawn.

I could not be more proud of Samantha! Her kindness and intelligence constantly amaze me. Sam is a carbon copy of me excepting the brown eyes. I commented on it at breakfast and she giggled. Samantha agreed with a smile on her face and I had an overwhelming rush of love for her, my daughter who has changed me for the better in so many ways.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Momma's morning with Sofia

Because I'm starting a new job next week, I wanted to take some special time to be with my girls, just one on one. Sofie got me this morning. We dropped Samantha at Leslie's and headed to the grocery store to pick a breakfast treat. Sofie enjoyed her donut and then it was off to the park. She loved being pushed on the tire swing while she stood on it. Then we headed to the toy store and Sofie picked a pink ball that she clung to for the rest of the morning. We snuggled for a bit and headed back to Leslie's after lunch to keep her afternoon nap routine.

I value my time with her, even if she's too young to appreciate a routine change. Sofia was relieved to be back at daycare because that's where she spends most days. The kids missed her as much as she missed them. Sofie definitely has her group and it's good to see. She is silly, playful and sweet. Sofia will melt your heart with her dimpled smile and make you giggle uncontrollably with her shifty eyes. All in all, she is a treasured part of our family.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lots of stuff including a visit from Antie and Uncie

Last weekend we hosted Antie, Uncie and Jenna! Jenna is their granddaughter and just a wonderful person. I have never met her and when I reminded Uncie of that, they decided to visit us to remedy that! It was a lovely visit and very quiet. Daddy made a wonderful Shabbat dinner Friday night, Saturday we saw Uncle Todd, Aunt Shelly and the babies and relaxed the rest of the day. Before we knew it, they were gone on Sunday.

In fact, our guests were gone so early that we had the entire day to fill! We're always sad when we have to say goodbye to Uncie and Antie that we needed to do something as a family. Daddy had the idea to take the kids to "Toy Story 3", and both girls handled the theater experience well. The movie was a bit scary for Samantha at times, so she spent most of the movie on my lap while I reassured her.

Samantha was at another zoo camp last week, so Friday afternoon Uncie made it just in time to join me at her party. She appreciated the surprise and I'm grateful that Uncie accompanied me.

On Friday we presented another surprise for the girls... we now have a play set in the backyard and we have been using it daily since it was installed. It's just enough and I'm glad we did it!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A new job for Momma

An opportunity came to me (no, I wasn't consciously looking) in the form of a new job. This will give me more time with the kids via a flexible schedule, lessened commute and allow me to grow my skills in other technical areas. Basically my career right now is in Business Intelligence, which can be summarized in getting various business areas (i.e. marketing, finance, operations) the information/data they need to complete their tasks. It doesn't sound very hard, but it can be very challenging from both a technology and people perspective.

I am the luckiest person I know. I do not know anyone who is luckier in life than me. I do not write that with any conceit, it's just an observation. Most of those close to me say I'm the luckiest person they know too. When I said this to a friend of mine, he sent me a quote by Thomas Jefferson that describes his thoughts on luck. "I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." I still say I'm lucky, but I do know that I work hard too. Hopefully my girls with inherit both Daddy's and my work ethic as well as our luck.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July weekend

What a busy weekend! On Saturday, the girls headed to Nana and Papa's for some fun while Daddy and I completed some indoor and outdoor projects. Sunday we got out our new pool for some fun before heading to a neighborhood barbeque. Our neighbors have a jumper, which entertained the kids before dinner. Then, it was time for fireworks. Sofia did not enjoy the noise (probably due to exhaustion... she really enjoyed the jumper!) and stayed in Sandy's lap. Samantha tried sparklers and some snappers, during which time I prayed that she would not hurt herself. I'm not usually overly protective, but those things made me nervous. I kept it in check and when it was too much, I simply looked the other way because I don't want my girls to be fearful of the world. There is simply too much to experience in this world!