Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our Green Green Garden

We finally have a garden!  I'm excited and proud because everyone helped to make it happen this year!  Sofia helped pick up rocks and planted some.  Samantha helped plant too.  I cleared most of the existing area and Grammy finished digging things out while I picked up.  Daddy planted and set up the fence to keep the rabbits out.

Here's some snapshots:

I can't wait to have the kids eat something that we grew ourselves!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mommy's mobility problem

I've had problems with my back for half of my life.  Sprains, disc problems and most recently a muscle strain that literally can knock me on my butt.  It is what it is and while I do take care of myself, I refuse to limit what I do and don't do very often.  I try to use my stubbornness to my advantage by refusing to bow to the pain.  As crazy as it may sound, when I fall, the girls see me get up (even though I'm struggling) and they watch me keep going.

This was the case a few weeks ago when I seized the opportunity to clear a space for a garden.  We didn't get it done last year and I promised Sam that we would make it happen this year.  Unfortunately, the bushes that were in the designated garden space didn't appreciate being uprooted and fought a great battle.  I did ultimately win the battle, but not without injuring myself.

Last night Samantha asked how long it would be until my back isn't broken. She said it patiently, like she's dealing with it, but looking forward to me being back to normal. I'm assuming that she's looking forward to me running around again because I do play with them and I'm active.  I explained that it will be a couple of weeks probably for this episode, but I will have back problems for the rest of my life.  She looked at me doubtfully when I said it could be a lot worse than it is now.

I then told her about a friend from my adolescence that I lived with briefly who had survived a car wreck and ended up in a wheelchair. Jenny was an awesome friend and a positive influence on me. I told Samantha she did wheelies in her chair and that we had good, crazy fun.  From people like Jenny, I learned that you should appreciate how good you've got it right now and that no matter what, you are the only person who will keep you down.

That is why whatever pain I'm feeling, I get up and keep going.  There is no one to stop me besides me and I'm living that lesson every day.  I'll admit that moving at a snail's pace can be maddening, but life is about progress and I'm taking it one step at a time.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Celebrating all the Grandparent's Birthdays

We had everyone over today to celebrate the birthdays from the past week.  Grammy, Nana and Papa joined us along with Todd, Shelly, Jordan and Dylan. Daddy cooked a favorite meal (Prime Rib Roast) and everyone enjoyed the cake that Todd and Shelly brought.  The kids enjoyed playing and being crazy, as the video shows below. 

This picture is one of my favorites of the night because it shows 2 loving grandparents with 2 of their loving grandchildren.

Drum roll please... this demonstrates the kids at very close proximity!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nana and Papa's Birthday

Happy Birthday to Nana and Papa!
We love you!

Nana and Papa had one wish for their birthday this year... to spend the day with the girls.  We granted them their wish and off the kids went for a rainy day adventure.  They did get some outside time at Minnehaha Falls where they were mesmerized by the waterfall and got some ice cream as well.  After that, they went to Todd and Shelly's to enjoy some time with their cousins.  I'm told everyone had fun!

We hope it was a great day for you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Samantha asserts her independence

Last night Samantha announced that she would put herself to bed and didn't want any stories.  My only thought was, "Already?  She doesn't want us reading to her?  Did I do something wrong?"  That was followed by the fear that she'll fall behind if we don't read to her. 

I'm heartbroken, proud and bewildered by my eldest. I remind myself that it's good that she's assertive enough to state her request and that she may change her mind.  In any case, I'm impressed by Samantha.  She is a wonderful kid and growing more every day!

Here is a picture of her with her Nana and Papa.  They have a great relationship!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Grammy!

Happy Birthday to my mother!
My cheerleader and friend like no other.
No fear, no judgment... Just us being crazy.
The memories are fun and not too hazy.
I've got her back and she covers mine,
Hopefully she enjoys being 69!

We love you Grammy!  Thank you for all you've done and you do to continue to help us!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

We hosted our annual brunch for our family today.  Grammy, Susie, Stu, Leah, Aunt Merrian and Uncle Todd and his family came over.  It's always great to see my niece and nephew who are growing up so fast!  Nana and Papa are on a trip, but we had a nice phone conversation and they're having a wonderful vacation.  As usual, Daddy spoiled us with food and most of us ate too much!

We spent the afternoon reading and playing on the Wii since it rained here today.  At least we all got plenty of outside time yesterday!

Bonus... I loved the present of earrings from Daddy and the girls.  I'm very fortunate to have my family!  Here's a picture that Samantha made for me!

This is our 3 generation picture.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Good Days with Friends

Daddy enjoyed some time with his friends Friday night, so the girls and I stopped at a park on the way home from picking up Sofia, ate our Shabbat dinner on the deck and played with the neighbor kids.  On Saturday, the girls and I headed to synagogue and then walked to a park to play with the our new friends again.  I learned a few signs that we've been practicing.  After some quiet time, we finally went to get a T-ball set and enjoyed playing with the neighbor kids again.  Our neighbors are another reason to be grateful.  They're awesome and fun to hang out with.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lots of fun this weekend

We began the weekend with some playtime at the neighbors for the kids while I was working in the yard and Daddy was making a nice Shabbat dinner. It was peaceful for me and a regular balanced day.

Saturday we had a family over that we met through our synagogue. They were kind and all the kids enjoyed playing together. 2 out of 5 members of this family are deaf, and we worked around it with writing since none of us know much about signing. Our family will continue to practice though and I hope that a friendship will develop since we had so much fun! After that Nana and Papa joined us for a peaceful and delicious dinner. Papa even managed to beat me twice in cribbage and that's a first!

Today we kept it low-key with obstacle courses, making pictures on the computer, reading, cupcakes from a Tasty Science kit, dancing and Daddy's first treasure hunt. His favorite clue was, "Sofie keeps her boogers here". I won't share the answer, but everyone in the house knew right where to look.

We are so blessed to have all that we have in our life. It requires a lot of effort, but the rewards far outweigh the trials!