Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Back Scratching

Daddy loves to have his back scratched so much that I have become meticulous in keeping long nails. It's been worth it in keeping a happy marriage! My role as primary back scratcher is in jeopardy as Daddy is training Samantha who will usually oblige happily. Kudos to Dad for making it a counting game too! It's definitely a win-win-win!

St. Louis or BUST!

In 8 days we are taking the kids for an 8 hour drive (non-stop) to see family in St. Louis. One of the best parts is we get to stay with Uncie, Antie, Satchel and Sophie "The Dog". Yes, I named both of my daughters after one of the best dogs EVER, "Sophie Samantha". No, not really but it is fun to scare people with that statement!

Anyway Uncie and Antie, this one's for you!

We can't wait to see you!

Arboretum with Grammy

The girls and I decided to take Grammy to the Arboretum. The scarecrows aren't there yet, so we'll have to go back since it's practically a tradition! I love that I always see new things! A memory worth savoring, especially when you add in that while changing Sam into a cooler outfit Grammy ended up putting Sam (3 1/2) into Sofia's pants (12mo). It didn't look strange, but when I explained why I was laughing, Grammy said, "Oh, I was wondering why they were so tight!" You gotta love her!

Also entertaining was Sammy and Grammy navigating the maze! (They took an early exit!)

We love you Grammy!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mission Preschool (Not Impossible!)

In my quest to assist in the transition to preschool, I started giving Sam a mission every week. Last week was to tell me the names of all the kids in her class. When I ask her to point them out to me, she can tell me what their names are and some other fact (i.e. that she leaves before lunch). This week her mission is to play a game with at least one kid each day and tell me about it.

On a different note, Samantha asked Daddy if he could pick her up today and she was so happy when he enthusiastically said, "Yes!" There is not one person in the world that Sam looks up to more than Daddy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Never forget this day...

To my children:

On this day 7 years ago the world received an awakening when terrorists hijacked 4 commercial jets and successfully flew 3 into designated targets, the 2 towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I saw the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower on TV, as a lot of people did. I was in college at the time and when a tardy student told us, "someone just crashed a plane into a building in New York", we instinctively knew the gravity of the situation. Soon the entire school was clustered around TV sets and watching things unfold. The mood was somber and there was little noise or movement. When the towers collapsed one by one, they fell in slow motion because we knew we were watching thousands of people die. To us, we were struggling to process the events, looking for answers that the news anchors couldn't yet provide.

I still remember that day. I won't debate the events that occurred in the years following September 11, 2001. What is more important for you to know as my children is why I don't want to forget this day. It was the first time that I didn't feel safe in my country and it's important to me to always remember the feeling since there are so many in the world who never attain a sense of security in their homeland or are forced to become refugees.

I also can't forget the heroes that selflessly helped others, including the emergency responders in Washington and New York and the passengers of the hijacked plane that didn't make it's target. All of those people made a conscious choice to do what they thought was right, no matter the personal cost. Remember the lesson there and know that your life can be drastically changed in a moment and it's up to you how gracefully you handle it.

I am extremely grateful for what we have today - a home filled with comfort and joy. I love you both so much!



Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is it time to get up?

A visual of how mornings are with 2 children as alarm clocks...

A few pictures from the summer

Here is a photo montage, feel free to add your own soundtrack!

Sam's 1st ride on her new bike... Thanks Dad!

You mean I'm not supposed to eat this?

Enjoying St. Louis...


We are extremely fortunate to have our kids! They are exhausting and exhilarating all at once and we are very proud of our movers and shakers!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Since I jumped into the world of parenthood I have become even more un-hip and less in touch with popular culture than any period previously in my life. When I came across the term Chillaxin' on a friend's profile, I had to google it. That said, here's a visual representation of what that means...

Daddy's golf weekend 2008

The girls and I survived without Daddy last weekend and I even managed to get a dreaded organizational project done! Friday night was movie night for Sam and I (she got to sleep in Mom and Dad's bed all night, which was a huge treat) and I ended up with 8 hours of sleep! I had forgotten what that was like! Saturday Sam opted out of Nana and Papa's so I didn't get to go shopping. There are a lot of things that I can do with Sam - wardrobe shopping just isn't one of them. We had fun with "Auntie" and Sam really enjoyed hanging with the girls and taking Fonzie for a run. Yes, she ran - a lot! Sunday was time for me to take advantage of no toddler to get through the kid's clothes and closets! In the afternoon Daddy came home broken from sleeping on a bad mattress so we're helping him as best as we can.

Since sleep was so nice this weekend, here are some pictures echoing that theme: