Saturday, May 30, 2009

International Children's Festival

Today we headed to the International Children's Festival in downtown St. Paul. It was a beautiful day and we met some friends there too! Nicki, Dan, Naamah and Kian kept us company while we explored. We did crafts, went through a butterfly tent, watched performances of African, Asian and Spanish origins. All of us watched the parade and had some ice cream. Sam is still talking about all the people we saw walking around on stilts. She keeps asking why they were on stilts. I finally suggested that the next time we see someone on stilts, we should ask them why they opted for stilts and how long they had to practice to stay up there.

Sam and I opted for some quiet time which usually ends up with one or both of us sleeping as was the case today. Daddy kept up with Sofie who was overly active from her catnap on the way home from the festival. Fonz got a stroll and as a treat for being so good the entire day, Daddy took Sam to a park she chose for a little extra time. Sofie was in no shape to be out so I got to have some cuddling and playing time with her.

Here are the kids putting flowers in the singing garden and showing off the jewelry they made...

Here is a shot of them dancing during a performance...

It was a great family day!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sammy's got a crush

Well, maybe it's not a true crush.

This week she has talked about a boy at her preschool quite a bit. I won't say his name because I'm sworn to secrecy. Tonight when we were picking out clothes for her to wear tomorrow she insisted that the outfit be cute. I asked her if it was because she thought this boy would think it's cute and she shyly smiled and said yes. I would have fainted if it weren't for the fact that my head decided it would be better to go catatonic and stand there with my mouth agape instead. She's 4! How did we get to this already!?! After I regained my ability to speak I asked a lot of questions. She does like other boys too, so there is some relief. (I hope.) The boy in question always wants to sit by her and invited her to his birthday party. We will see what happens with this.

In any case, it was an interesting day at our house. Daddy took Sam out to breakfast before school this morning. They cherish their time together. Sofie had her 18 month check today and all is well except for throwing up in Daddy's car just as he was pulling into the driveway tonight. In addition to Sam's boy bombshell, we went shopping in vain for a costume to wear in her upcoming program at preschool, but somehow ended up with a sucker and some plastic lei necklaces. We are returning tomorrow for a hula hoop. It is now way past their bedtime and I'm praying they sleep soon!

Here is a recent family shot... we are so lucky to have each other!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Freeze Dance

One of my favorite things about this stage of our family life is watching Sofia imitate Samantha and us. She's relatively programmable and it's hilarious to do. We had a ball with Sam at this stage too! Last night the girls and I did the "Hokey-Pokey" on our deck. Everyone was smiling and having fun. (Another serene moment for me!)

Here is a clip of Sam teaching Sofia how to play "Freeze Dance"... it was so cute to watch!

Have I mentioned how grateful I am that my family is healthy and happy?

Memorial Day Weekend

Wow, what a weekend we had! Those long holiday weekends can take a lot out of you! Due to Sam being run-down and the girls fighting colds, we didn't push to go out a lot and stayed home most of the time.

Here's the highlights:

- Shabbat dinner with Grammy is always enjoyable!

- Finish laying the mulch in the landscaping. Sam was a huge help with her sandbox bucket and her wagon while Grammy tried to keep Sofie out of trouble!

- Obliterating the bird's nest over the front door not once, but twice! (As of this morning, they are attempting their third rebuild.)

- Laughing out loud fun with the new Bubble Blaster before Sofie broke it by scooping dirt into it.
- I beat Dad in our inaugural Scrabble game on the new deck furniture.

- Daddy's wonderful steak dinner for Grammy and the S girls.

- Planting flowers with the girls. Sam enjoyed it and did a great job while Sofie preferred to spread the dirt on the driveway.

- Daddy explaining to Sam the importance of letting Mom and Dad know where she is so we don't get scared.

- Testing equipment at the Rainbow Play Systems showroom... one step closer to making a decision.

- Seeing the family to congratulate Ben and Ellen on their engagement! Mazel tov!

- Snuggling with Sam during quiet time on Monday... a rare treat to really cuddle with her!

- Daddy visiting the cemetery to check on Grandma Rose's resting place. I was fortunate enough to meet her once. She was a class act and a sweetheart!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Grammy's birthday and rambling

Grammy's birthday was yesterday so we took her out for brunch. Since Sam was still with Nana and Papa, it was just Sofie and I. Auntie "She" met us there and came by the house afterwards. Sofie loved playing with her while Sam performed some of her songs. I think Grammy had a good day!

Last Friday Sam found a vase at a garage sale to give Grammy for her birthday. Leslie helped Sam pick some lilacs to put in the vase and then gave it to Grammy to take home. As she was leaving, Sam explained that Grammy should replace the lilacs with fresh ones and made sure she knew how to get to Leslie's house. Grammy said that she would take care of it because there are lilac bushes near her house, but Sam clarified a few times where she could get the blossoms. It was very entertaining to watch!

We capped off the day with a lot of playing outside. I love the weekends because I get my "kid-fix". We set up an obstacle course to dribble the soccer balls through and I was amazed at how well Samantha did... she's pretty good!

A recent change I've noticed in myself is that I'm much more focused on them when I'm around. Sam and I keep talking about teamwork and she is helpful with chores. Sofia's fascination of throwing things on the floor in defiance (or plain old frustration) is no longer being tolerated. I'm trying to teach them that we get more playtime if we all pitch in to help with the stuff that needs to get done in the house. Overall the message seems to be getting through so I have no complaints!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

When Daddy is away, the S girls play.

Daddy is on his annual golf weekend with the boys, so the girls and I had the weekend to ourselves.

Friday night was a slumber party for Samantha and Momma. We watched Cinderella and the end of Finding Nemo in Momma and Daddy's room. Then she got to sleep on Daddy's side of the bed. We stayed up late, but I treasure the memories I have of staying up late with Grammy watching movies, so I'm making it a tradition.

Saturday we all had a leisurely morning until Nana and Papa came to pick up Sam for their downtown adventure starting with a Dora the Explorer show and staying downtown at a hotel. She didn't enjoy the show much, but it sounds like the hotel room and a restaurant where they make your pizza at the table were awesome! I'm guessing that she'll have some stories to tell when she gets home.

After Sam left, Sofie and I headed to Target to pick up a few things. (read: I was out of Mountain Dew.) She was great in the store, but it was nap time so we hurried home for that. Then we went to the park with Fonzie and we walked around a nearby park. It was the first time I didn't have her in a stroller. Sofie really, really enjoyed picking the dandelions and Fonzie tolerated the pace, keeping himself busy with sniffing everything. At one point, she watched Fonzie stop by a particular tree and then kissed it. The way she looked up at the top of this tree was so sweet. We passed another walker who told me, "You are a delight. It's nice to see a parent who lets their child get out and explore the world." Wow, that was a great compliment. I thanked him and replied, "How else are you supposed to learn?"

In a nutshell, that would be my parenting philosophy if I had one. Truthfully at first I was struggling to be patient at our pace, but I soon realized that this is one of the moments that are so rewarding from a parental perspective. I marveled at my toddler talking about and collecting the flowers. I noticed the birds feasting on insects and listened to the waves of the lake. It is the same feeling I got with Samantha watching her grow and now all the things she's doing, like reading and talking about her friends or telling me in secret about her part in the upcoming program at preschool. The great thing about being a mom for me is the pleasure I take in watching my girls be fearless in the world today, whether it's climbing anything or being outgoing and kind. I am incredibly proud of my girls and the family we are. This is a precious time in our lives, as older and wiser women have told me from their experience. I feel a rush of serenity and gratitude for the many blessings I have.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A story and Mother's Day

Daddy had a trip last week so he was gone for a few days. Tuesday I got a call from preschool saying that Sam wasn't feeling well. Leslie saved the day by offering to pick her up and go to her house since I'm working 40 minutes away. I left early once I heard that Sam had a fever. There had been a strep case at her preschool, so I needed to get her tested at the doctor's office. About a mile away from finally getting home, she puked all over herself. My ears are still ringing from her crying, but who can blame her! Thankfully, Grammy just happened to be at our house and helped everyone get settled. She even cleaned up the car! It's amazing how she seems to know when we need her!

Just a tribute to Grammy... thank you for always saving me, again! I appreciate all you do to help us, we love having you so close to us and we are so lucky!

Happy Mother's Day!

My gifts included cards and flowers from the girls, a spa certificate to use, french toast for breakfast and time with my family. We had some moms over to celebrate ourselves and it was a great evening!


Now that I'm working again weekends are more precious than ever. Last weekend was blissful from my perspective of mommy. We went to synangogue, which is always a great way to start a Saturday morning. Daddy and Papa took the girls to the zoo while Nana and I went shopping. Sunday we went to 3 separate parks and I discovered Sofie's joy of ladders. Sam is still practicing the monkey bars and is a champ at pumping on the swing. After being with the kids all weekend, I was emotional Monday morning dropping them off because I didn't want to be away from them. I say it to my kids every day multiple times - I love them so much and I am so blessed to be their mommy!

Here is a shot from our last Friday together... just chillin' on the deck on a beautiful day!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Momma's Dad

Today is the anniversary of my father's death. He died suddenly of a heart attack more than a few years ago. While our relationship wasn't always good, there still isn't a day where I don't think of him and miss him. My girls were never able to meet him and that is incredibly sad to me. Daddy met him once. The last years of his life were the happiest that I have witnessed and I am extremely fortunate to have had that time with him.

This morning I told some stories about my dad to Sam. She asked me what his name was and listened carefully as I shared some stories. Sam got the hear about the farm and some of the animals Dad kept. The llamas Patricia and George, the emus, the donkey named Jack, the goats, horses, cows, chickens (including the mean roosters) and pigs. I told the girls about the sunflowers, raspberry bushes and his pumpkin field. At one point my father had a goat that played fetch and one year his boar pig took the title of "Minnesota's largest boar" at the State Fair. He was just the right amount of crazy and loved pushing boundaries of normalcy as much I as do, if not more.

Momma's daddy may be gone, but never forgotten. I think that is just the way he would like it too!