Friday, June 24, 2011

Zoo Camp 2011

A local theater company partnered with the nearby zoo for a special all-day camp that Samantha chose this year.  She had so much fun last year that she wanted to go to Zoo Camp again.  On the final day, the kids all gave a performance that Daddy, Nana and myself all attended. 

Here is the penguin dance...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sofia's 1st swimming lesson

Sofia had her first swimming lesson today.  She embraced the water and loved it!  There was no sign of nervousness or apprehension.  Sofia wasn't shy and loved her goggles! One of the most wonderful parts of being a parent is watching my child react to new experiences. Sofia is not that predictable and it made me giddy watching her tonight. We love her and the craziness she brings as a member of our family.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I got up with the girls this morning and when Daddy came downstairs, I was making breakfast for the girls.  He announced that he was going to step back from his job which has been consuming him more and more the past few months.  I sighed with relief and counted our many blessings because it has been a difficult time for all of us struggling. 

Any man can be a father, but it's takes a special man to be a dad.  I'm so grateful that our daughters have a dad.   He is there for them, involved in their lives and loving them.  There are times I am awed watching him interact with the girls and they all light up.  Daddy represents the male role model for them and should they choose a man to share their lives with, I hope they choose someone like him.

Here's some shots of our family dinner later in the day...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Long weekend in St. Louis

We seized an opportunity to take a quick trip to St. Louis.  Due to the expensive flight prices and Daddy's ever-changing work schedule, we chose to drive.  Yes, we chose to spend 8 hours in a car all together EACH WAY.  That's a total of 16 hours!  And the drive was without any incidents BOTH WAYS!  Whew, what a relief!

It was wonderful to see Antie and Uncie, Uncle Bob and all of his family.  Everyone came over Saturday night, including Brooke and Benjamin, who Sofia christened "Orange Guy".  (This was because he was wearing an orange shirt and she couldn't pronounce "Benjamin" until Sunday morning for whatever reason, but it was hilarious when she said it correctly!)  The kids had a blast playing and Benjamin shared his love of mythology with me, which was fun!

We did our traditional trips to the zoo, Faust Park (including the carousel) and went to The Magic House.  The girls adore Sophie and Satchel (the dogs), who were as accommodating as Antie and Uncie.  We always enjoy our visits here!



About 5 minutes after leaving Antie and Uncie's, Samantha said, "I'm sure going to miss St. Louis".  Agreed, my daughter... we always find it hard to leave.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Kids of Summer and Book Club with Samantha

Daycare started for both kids today.  In the afternoons, Samantha has the option of going to a park playgroup called "Kids of Summer".  To say she loves it is an understatement!  She was full of stories and very excited!  They played games, went on a nature walk and had a great time!  It's only for older kids so Sofia can't attend, which gives both girls a break from each other. (I think that's a good thing.)

After picking them up today, we headed to the library for a monthly book club that I signed Samantha and I up for.  She didn't hesitate to participate in the discussion and even led it at times.  As usual, I was hugely impressed by her confidence and her ability to articulate herself.  I am so proud of her!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Samantha's last day of Kindergarten

Wow, this school year just zoomed by!  Today was Samantha's last day of school and yes, she got her report card.  Wow, wow, wow!  She got the equivalent of all A's this year.  Exemplary indeed!  Her teacher commented how much she appreciated how helpful Samantha was throughout the year.  She also mentioned that Samantha is the most self-motivated student she's ever worked with.  Way to go Samantha!

Samantha is wonderfully articulate and has grown so much over the year.  She loves reading, but not necessarily to show off this talent.  Out of nowhere, she will ask a question about something she has read.  For example, signs are a big thing for her.  Samantha wants to know why you can't turn right on red, so I explain it to her.  Then she notices every time a car doesn't obey the law and comments on it.  Sam is learning self-control and has faced bullying successfully already!  She is thoughtful and constantly wants to give things (i.e. money, food) to anyone who catches her eye.  I'm impressed by her ability to think outside of herself and what a wonderful characteristic to use!  We are giving her every coping skill we can and she truly seems to use the tools, hence the successful encounter with a bully at school!

Samantha is loved very much by her family and everyone who meets her.  We are incredibly proud of her and feel lucky to call her our daughter.

We love you kid!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

BIG THANKS to Grammy

Today was the last morning that Grammy came for morning kid duties, (take the Sofia to daycare and ensure Samantha gets on the school bus).  With Daddy's crazy travel schedule and it's tendency to change at the last minute, Grammy's help has made it possible for me to avoid trouble at work and get to my office at a consistent and early hour.  This has saved me so much stress!

Thank you Grammy for all you have done for us and all you continue to do!  We are all appreciative and so grateful to have you involved with our lives!  I hope you get just as much as you give because you are a wonderful mother and grandmother.  You're a huge part of what makes our family wonderful!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sofia's gymnastics show!

Sofia got her moment to shine today since it was Show Week (a.k.a. last week)!  Her whole family came to watch her performance, including Grammy, Nana and Papa.  Her smile is the picture of pure joy and I couldn't be more proud to be her mommy.  Sofia is fearless, affectionate and incredibly assertive!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Family Fun Day at Samantha's school

We had a lot of places to be this weekend, but Sofia wasn't feeling well so we simply adjusted our plans.  In the morning, Sofia stayed with Daddy while Samantha and I went to synagogue.  Then I took Samantha to Family Fun Day at her school.  She was so excited to go!  Older kids came up to say hi and Samantha was completely at ease.  It was fun just to let her go!  Not much time passed before she found a classmate and was off to play.  In the video below, Samantha got to dunk a teacher.  It was something she repeatedly talked about doing so I was as happy as she was when she accomplished it!

Our experience this year has been wonderful and it is wonderful to see Samantha so happy about school!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My last time in Kindergarten (At least for this year!)

I volunteered for the last time in Samantha's classroom today. Wow, what an adventure it has been!  I remember feeling apprehensive the first time I spoke with Samantha's teacher about working with the kids.  I chose not to panic and try to guide the flow.  It was an amazing experience getting to know the kids, learning their strengths and help them improve.  I don't know if the kids truly enjoyed the time with me, but of course Samantha tells me they all did.  She also tells me that one of the boys "LOVES" me.  Really?  Yes, we are there already.  I honestly enjoyed hanging with the kids, talking about art, helping with puzzles, math, reading, or whatever else the teacher came up with.  I remember some particularly hectic days feeling frazzled walking into the school and walking out after volunteering feeling so grateful for my daughter and my entire life.  I noticed the clouds in the sky, spring flowers, fall colors and I always smiled.  Nearly every week was like that, just filled with moments of marveling at our world.

Thank you Samantha for welcoming me into your life at school!