Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We continued our tradition of hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year. It was great fun to see everyone and meet some new friends too. Papa assisted in cooking and cleanup so he was busy most of the day, but he managed to squeeze in some cuddle time with Sam too.

At the end of the evening when the girls were getting ready for bed I told Sam how proud I was of her for being such a wonderful, sweet, kind and unbelievably fun hostess. I explained that it was awesome how she talked to all the people and how impressed everyone was with her. She lit up at this, gave me a huge hug and told me I was the best mommy in the world for saying that. What else could I ask for in this life?

Indeed, we have much to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Preschool conferences

We are so proud of Sam! Today we had conferences at her preschool and got a glowing (and believable) report! If anything we should worry about her being too perfect, excepting yesterday when she got her name on the board for talking to her friend Stella. In other words, Sam wasn't done socializing. She then spent the afternoon being a model student in an effort to have her name removed from the board and negotiating with teachers to accomplish that. Her reading level is well into first grade, which means that she will probably be bored next year. Daddy and I are researching our options for school.

We're also told that Sam loves to sing and perform! Mrs. W. told us that Sam asked her if she would have another solo in their upcoming program because she's such a good singer. Mrs. W. said yes, she will have a solo. Our Samantha is a happy, creative and brave kid! Daddy and I are fortunate to have her!

Notice the headband in her self-portrait...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sofia is 2!

My baby is growing up so fast! I sang, "Happy Birthday" to her this morning (she woke up before dawn) and she looked at me and said, "I be 2?". I can't believe she is 2 years old already. Sofia is an amazing kid!

The poor girl is sick with a cold and fever so she was kept home today. We played, rested and just let her decide what she wanted to do. Daddy and I took turns with her and Sofia even got a special visit from Grammy for a bit. When Sam returned from her swimming lesson, we sang "Happy Birthday" and let her have cake. While we were singing, she looked at all of us like she was confused, then suspicious and finally smiled. It was very cute to watch!
The next day we had the family over for her party. Nana, Papa, Grammy, Grandpa Irving, Wendy, Uncle Todd and Aunt Shelly all came to help us celebrate. It was a very nice and relaxing evening!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A lot of talk about equal parenting

It used to be in American society that mother's were the primary (or sole) caregivers of the kids. Dads worked one or more jobs to support the family. Our kids are supported by both parents. Daddy and I work very hard professionally and personally in our lives. We love our girls and do whatever we can for them while letting them explore the world.

In our house Daddy cooks because he's enjoys it (for the most part) and his food tastes better than mine. I generally handle clean up because I enjoy it (again, for the most part). He handles bills and the yard and I handle laundry. I usually take the kids if there are problems at night, but none of these areas are absolute because Daddy and I are a team. That means I pick up dog poop in the yard and he folds a load of clothes.

I do think it's better that there is "equal parenting". Personally, I don't want to be the only one who does everything and I think the kids benefit from our different styles. No parent has all the right answers or methods of parenting. The world is too diverse for one's point of view to be the only one. Daddy and I work as a team which is good for our marriage and a great example for the girls to see. I'm watching our girls flourish in the world and it's due to all the wonderful people they have in their lives!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Daddy's birthday

Daddy is having a good day! We got a full night's sleep due to the kids being at Nana and Papa's house. (We also got a nice dinner out last night... what an experience!) Daddy is at the football game and there will be a surprise dinner awaiting him when he gets home. Sam and Nana were kind enough to make a brownie cake for our dessert and our gifts are wrapped.

We love you Daddy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More changes

The roller coaster continues... Daddy was laid off today. He's doing what he needs to do right now and it's the same thing I had to do recently. Job hunting is nerve-wracking though even in the best circumstances! As we experienced with me, it can (and for us fortunately, usually does) work out to be a good thing. I don't know if that feeling comes from the change of attitude or perspective or both. What I do know is that people and families are struggling in this economy and the mood is somber and full of uncertainty. Some people are scared of the unknown. Others are focusing on their inner circle and banding together. Some are just grateful for what they have. In any case, life is a roller coaster and the only thing we can control is how we react to it.

I hope to raise the girls with a sense of harmony in the world and to give them whatever coping skills they need to adjust and flourish! I am proud of them beyond my comprehension and amazed by them every day!
This was a photo taken during a showing of our house. I think Sam is pleased that we are planning to stay in our home for now!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Patience is a virtue.

One that has been working well with Miss Sofia on correcting some of her violent tendencies. (She's a hitter and is coming up to her 2nd birthday soon!) The hardest thing is how cute she is, but this is the sequence. I state her choices, count to 5, repeat the consequence of each choice and take action. I remind myself that it's our job to model the desired behavior and teach her. We are the parents even though there are times we don't want to act grown-up and be adults.

Deep breath

Say one or all of the following (you can insert your own phrase here):
"This too shall pass."
"It is what it is."
"Life is a journey, not a destination."
"It's up to us to show them the world."

Deep breath

Repeat as necessary.

Ah, patience.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Bill!

Unfortunately we haven't seen Uncle Bill for some time now. I'm hoping we get to hang with him over the holidays! In the spirit of his birthday, I'll share some of my thoughts on him.

Here are a few things to know about my brother:
1) When I see him he reminds me of good times with my father and I love the warm, fuzzy feeling I get when it happens.
2) He's got a great giggle and laugh! It's hard not to smile when you hear it.
3) Monster trucks, snowmobile races on water, truck and tractor pulls... I would know nothing about these things if it weren't for him!
4) In spite of #3, he loves the quiet of not living in a city.
5) He's my big brother and he's been there as only a big brother could over the years!
