Saturday, November 7, 2009


Patience is a virtue.

One that has been working well with Miss Sofia on correcting some of her violent tendencies. (She's a hitter and is coming up to her 2nd birthday soon!) The hardest thing is how cute she is, but this is the sequence. I state her choices, count to 5, repeat the consequence of each choice and take action. I remind myself that it's our job to model the desired behavior and teach her. We are the parents even though there are times we don't want to act grown-up and be adults.

Deep breath

Say one or all of the following (you can insert your own phrase here):
"This too shall pass."
"It is what it is."
"Life is a journey, not a destination."
"It's up to us to show them the world."

Deep breath

Repeat as necessary.

Ah, patience.

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