Monday, February 28, 2011

A sisterly game

This is a short video I managed to get during one of our many snowy evenings. The girls were eating cupcakes for dessert and Sofie was playfully teasing Samantha, who happily played along. For this moment at least, they were two sisters enjoying each other.

Bonus - I finally got Sofia's laugh recorded!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sofia's toes

It was dark outside and approaching bedtime for the children. Everyone was feeling worn out and their moods were erratic. I was trying to avert a tantrum from Sofia and in an effort to avoid yelling and use distraction, I told her she had some stuff (i.e. sock lint) between her toes. I didn't realize at the time that I would still be reeling from the consequences of that single statement. Now, Sofia "checks her toes" compulsively, multiple times a day. Without warning, she'll stop whatever she's doing, sit down and say, "I have to check my toes". And yes, she will check between every single toe. It's gotten to the point at daycare that she has to keep her socks on to curb the behavior. We usually just shake our heads at home because trying to convince her it's not necessary has proved to be futile.

We've had discussions with Sofia about this. You check once a day and only at home. That didn't stop her from checking her toes 3 times at her gymnastics class. It's comical and I know it will pass. I just want it written that I didn't mean for this to happen! I was only trying to distract her from a tantrum!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Practice School Lock downs and an Unknown Future

Last night at dinner, we were sitting together as a family and talking about our days. Samantha casually mentions that they had a practice lock down today. That was a jolt. Kindergartners being drilled on staying quiet while hiding the coat nook? After a few seconds, I composed myself and asked what would cause a lock down. I wanted to know how much she knew about the real reason for lock downs. Samantha gave an example of someone who was really mad that they would need to hide from. I told her that I've heard of some people that try to hurt others and that it was good that she was aware of that. She seemed to understand and the conversation moved on. However, I'm left with another example of how the world has changed since my childhood.

I'm prepared for things to be different for our kids. Cyber-bullying and the illusion of community over the Internet are just 2 examples. The prevalence and effects of technology and sensationalized media can be overwhelming. But the main message Daddy and I are sending isn't one that forbids all things "evil", but essentially to practice self-discipline. There is balance in moderation. Play video games, but not all the time. Don't watch more than an episode or two of TV. Eat until you're not hungry any longer, don't stuff yourself because then you probably won't feel good. (This theory is usually tested by me every other month or so.)

Screen limitations are enforced lately because we've noticed that the girls aren't as attentive or respectful after watching hours of TV. We've been having a lot of conversations with Samantha especially about that because awareness is the first step. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I am a compulsive reader on my iPhone and yes, I'm working on it.

The truth is that there is violence every day in this world and all we can do as parents is teach them to learn and adapt to whatever their situation is. We'll get more into self-defense and role-playing as our girls grow. The future is unknown and at our house, we are okay with that.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sofie's first gymnastics class

I have been impatiently waiting for Sofia to become potty-trained so we could enroll her in a class. It's that path we forged with Samantha and I'm excited to follow that pattern for Sofia. We went to an open house at the gym to see how Sofia would react and explained that this is where her class would be. She met the instructor and was a little shy, but you could still see the excitement.

The following Monday she got to wear the sparkly leotard (a hand-me-down from Sam) and we went to the gym. Sofia eagerly walked and in no time she owned the place. I was so proud of her! Her coordination is impressive! It was wonderful to see her having so much fun, a true parental rush. Sofia shined so brightly!

Sofia gave us an affirmation of how much she enjoyed her class by asking the following day to go to the gym!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Winter time party

I had the idea of having a party because Sofie and Samantha enjoy their friends. (Duh, they're kids!) There really was no other reason besides that I wanted to give that to them. It's difficult at times to schedule play dates and I know Samantha has missed seeing friends from her preschool. So I sent an invitation out and 5 girls came today. Auntie She came to assist (thank you!) and our adventure began. I had crafts for the kids and told them to bring music for dancing. We played "Duck Duck Goose", "Hide and Seek" , "Freeze Dance" and we had a treasure hunt with candy as the treasure. It was exhausting, but a really fun time was had by all.

I was really impressed by all the girls today. They were polite and full of giggles. Auntie She and I stayed out of the way and let the girls be for the most part. I wasn't going to step in unless absolutely necessary because they need to figure things out themselves. All of the girls didn't want to leave so that means they all had a great time! They ran all through the house and seemed to enjoy the master bath and "the club" (a.k.a. the space under the stairs that's just for Sam and Sofie) the most.

I don't know if I was reading it wrong, but I got the impression from all of the parents that they were uneasy for there not being a reason (i.e. birthday) for the party. I truly didn't have a reason other than wanting a huge playdate for my kids. Rather than wait for an invite to a birthday, why not just host a get-together ourselves? It turned out to be more work than what I was expecting, but it was worth it because everyone had fun.

It truly was an adventure today! I learned a lot by watching all the kids. The little kids, Sofia and Johanna, didn't keep up with the bigger kids, but we still kept them busy with fun stuff. Samantha was fantastic in letting all the kids who could read take turns with the treasure hunt clues. Sofia joined in without hesitation while all the girls danced in a circle. They have good friends and it's great to see! Other than practicing good hand-washing, (which everyone had to do... yes, I was watching and I'm not ashamed!) I was pleasantly surprised at how well everyone got along and how little drama there was.

So many moments to remember! I hope the girls retain some part of today in their memories. Today will definitely live forever in my memory! I'm glad I did this for them and yes, I hope to do it again. I think all of us will sleep well tonight!

Again, thank you Auntie She! Hopefully the grown-up time afterwards was enough of me showing gratitude!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Samantha asks a question

One of Samantha's classmates shared yesterday that his mom is going to have a baby this fall. As she was telling me this, she stopped and asked, "Mom, how do you get a baby?" Thankfully, I didn't have to respond because she continued with, "How do you get the baby out?". I answered her honestly and after she thought about it, Samantha said, "You mean you poop the baby out? I explained a little bit about female anatomy and said, "No. Women do not poop babies out."

I want to be the mom who speaks the truth, I really do. I just struggle with eloquence before I've had my morning caffeine.

I love that she asks though! Samantha confides in me and tells me little "secrets" often. I know it won't always be like that, but I hope that we pass through whatever storms we encounter together.

Friday, February 4, 2011


We are extremely fortunate to have many members of our family live relatively close by. I know how grateful I am every day for the support of the grandparents and the joy of seeing my niece and nephew grow.

Here are some pictures from recent gatherings...

Sofia loves her Uncle Todd! (He did eventually finish the book.)

Samantha's Birthday Parties

We kept the tradition of separate friends and family birthday parties this year.

Samantha invited classmates to the Science Museum which was fun. The party included admission to all the exhibits so after the party the kids got to roam the museum. Everyone enjoyed making glow in the dark slime, bubbling volcanoes and creating colors. The theme was magic potions. It was entertaining to watch!

The following weekend we had the family over and managed to visit Irving afterwards. Samantha has been listening non-stop to the Taylor Swift CD that Uncle Todd and Aunt Shelly gave her. It works nicely with the radio we gave Samantha. She got a lot of wonderful gifts this year from everyone!

You are beloved Samantha!

Crazy week

What a week! Daddy is coming back today!

Thank you so much to Grammy! You helped us so much this week by picking up the girls and getting them dinner. We all appreciate it!

In preparations for Daddy to be gone, the girls and I created some goals for ourselves. We all did fairly well, but we were not perfect.
  • Sofia's are good listening and NO HITTING.

  • Samantha's goal was to be a sister, not the mom. (In other words, she needed to let me be the parent and stop trying to control Sofia.)

  • Mine was to stay calm.

Other highlights from the week... Auntie She had a birthday that I'm very excited to celebrate this weekend and Irving's surgery went well so he's back at his apartment.