Thursday, February 26, 2009

This evening

The biggest winter storm of the season is happening right now. Sam's preschool closed early so I left work to pick up the kids. Just as we're pulling into the driveway Sam puked all over herself in her booster seat. I finally got her out of the seat and as she's walking through the garage screaming, I was able to make out, "I don't like walking in throw up!" This makes Sam the last one to get a stomach virus... I'm hopeful that after this and Sofie's cold that won't quit, we'll be able to enjoy a stretch where the entire family is healthy.

Side note: Sofia just discovered the joys of bubble wrap... very funny to watch!

One of my favorite sayings is, "It can always get worse and it can always get better". I was chanting this in my head tonight as I was cleaning up Sam, her booster seat, the car and where Fonzie had also thrown up. I'm grateful it's not worse!

This morning

This morning was an especially chaotic one... I awoke at 5:30am (not my standard time) to be ready for some work issues. I finished about 6:45am with my next step to start the routine of getting myself and the kids ready for the day. Usually Daddy is a huge help, but I said he could stay in bed this morning. (I don't know why I said it, but I did!) Since I had to make Sam's lunch for preschool, I got the girls a quick breakfast of bananas, granola bars and a yogurt drink, all of which were rejected by Sam. (The consequence for wasting food was a severely limited morning snack at school.) Coats, shoes, a very quick crumb cleanup and laundry switch, car loading, transferring the booster seat from Daddy's car... where did the time go? I finally made it to work just before 9am. Luckily since I had already put in some time it wasn't too traumatic, but again I ask, "Where did the time go and why are so many mornings similar to this one?"

On another note, due to Sofia's resistance to realizing her pacifiers are only for sleeping, I've taken to grabbing them at the first opportunity without her noticing too much. Somehow 2 of her pacifiers accompanied me to my office today so they are on my desk. Every now and then I catch a glimpse of them which has been making me chuckle all day. Here's to things you do for your kids!

Just to make sure it was a really good day, I volunteered to read at Sam's preschool. She seems to enjoy the mid-day visits and it's always an interesting experience! Today I had a hole in my jeans at my knee which enthralled most of the kids. I lost count of how many little hands touched my knee while I was reading and 2 kids mentioned it and told me about their jeans that have holes in them. Hilarious!

It didn't feel like a great morning at times, but honestly it was an adventure and one I'll remember fondly for some time. This morning felt like running a marathon with its ups and downs and with its drama and comedy all at the same time. I can't lose my sense of humor!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day in the Life

Here's a snapshot of our daily life, at least during school days:
- Wake up (Usually I'm up first to get things going... this works better for everyone.)
- Get dressed and out of the house (Daddy generally gets the kids ready, while I work on myself and my morning organizational chores.)
- Work (They call it work for a reason, but I'm okay with my job.)
- Gather kids and head home (Pickups at daycare and preschool = lots of time.)
- Dinner (Daddy usually saves us on this front, otherwise I'm a "git her done" type of cook.)
- Playtime (Art, writing, dancing, games or whatever we decide to do.)
- Bedtime (Following the routine = happy family!)
- Mom and Dad time (We work very hard for this! This is our time for us and for ourselves.)

Saturday morning I'm up with the kids. If we don't have anywhere to be in the morning, we'll hang out in our pj's and even have breakfast in the basement at the kid-sized table. This keeps out noise level down so Daddy can get some rest and gives us a special tradition of our own.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sam's Winter Program 2008

OK, so I'm a bit behind! Without further adue, I present you with Samantha's first stage performance!

"At Hanukkah the menorah we light and play with dreidals every night."

She had a ball and her grandparents and parents could not have been prouder! We have the video for the entire program. About the dress... we ended up at Macy's downtown with Nana and Papa. It was a great day! Sam fell in love with the dress when she saw it in the store. Her eyes widened and the decision was made. Here's a better shot of it:

Sleep Deprivation and Sofia

Sofia has presented Daddy and I with challenges relating to sleep or the lack of sleep. Sofia... our sweet baby who looked at me this morning laying next to Daddy in our bed, smiled at me and very clearly said, "Hi". Aw, it's a good thing that she's as cute and lovable as she is. 2 nights ago I awoke to her foot coming down on my nose - hard. We relocated to the basement couch in the hopes of letting Daddy sleep easier. Last night I went in around 11pm and was able to get out of her room (with her still in the crib) about a minute later. That has never happened. When I woke up this morning, somehow Sofia was in bed with Daddy and me again. You know you're tired when you get up in the night, change a diaper and retrieve a child with no recollection of it. Daddy looked a little concerned this morning when I asked him if he had gotten Sofia in the night. I have a mantra that helps me keep a realistic perspective: Someday both children will sleep through the night consistently! I'm sure I will laugh about this phase when I'm in throes of their adolescent years!

On a different note, here's how Sofia plays peek-a-boo:

Her current favorite games are reading, sitting in Sam's forts, jumping on Sam's bed, Itsy Bitsy Spider and roaring in response to, "What does a lion say?" I'll get a video of it soon, but as I'm sure you can imagine it's very cute. She will also show you her nose, find your nose and show her belly button when asked. Sofia is starting to color with crayons too, but still likes to taste them occasionally.

UPDATE: I woke up at 4am to Sofie jumping on me because she wanted her diaper changed. While Sofia was very congenial as she pushed and talked me awake, it underscored need to figure something else out for sleeping arangements even though she settled right back down once her diaper was changed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Learning Stage

Sofia has entered the crazy learning stage of toddler-hood. She understands almost everything! Sofie listens well unless she's near the dog food and water dishes, which she can't resist. That usually requires her removal from the laundry room. She is amazing and is in full mimicking mode. Her favorite games are to peek-a-boo, hide and seek (a current Sam favorite as well), books. Sofia loves books and will bring them to you saying, "A-dis?", or "REEE". That apparently means, "Will you read this to me please?" We spend lots of time on the floor doing that!

Every day she is talking more and more. Sunday she banged on the door to the deck saying, "Outside" and was crushed that I wouldn't let her stay out there.

Sofia is also fearless... her current favorite is to climb on the dining chair and try to tip it over. (I'm not fighting her on it - I tried.) Here she is going down a slide on her own at Sam's birthday party.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A first for us

Recently I begin giving the girls a shower instead of baths. In a first for us tonight, Sam was already out drying off and I saw "the look" on Sofie's face... yup, she pooped in the tub. For those of you who know Daddy, he handled it well. I'm just glad it happened in an easy place to clean. We all giggled because Sam was very interested in what was happening saying, "Wow, that has never happened before! Why did she do that?" I quoted a current favorite book of hers (The Beranstain Bears Week at Grandma's), "There has got to be a first time for everything!"