Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

The pictures say it all.  A witch and a huntress. 

Then there's me still fitting into my old skydiving gear!  Though I was asked by a kid if I was "Iron Man".  Crazy kid not recognizing a skydiver!

Thanks for joining us again this year Papa!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Adventures with my daughters and their friends

I was gone for a business trip all of last week.  Daddy did great single-parenting all week and there were no problems.  The grandparents all helped out too.  We really are blessed to have all the support we do.  I missed my family so much travelling, but it was good to know they're fine without me.  It was wonderful to have everyone pick me up from the airport, so thanks for making that happen!

I was so happy to be home... I forgot how lonely the road can be.

Yesterday we rode our bikes for a picnic at a park.  It was cold and windy, but we still made it fun playing games.  Then I took Samantha to the library and out to a bookstore.  We spent the rest of the day simply relaxing.

Today we began the day with some relaxation and a bike ride to tire Ely out.  Then I took the girls and their friends to a nearby zoo.  There were 5 girls total and they were all fantastic.  After we dropped the last friend off, the girls and I talked about the challenges and what we'll do differently next time.  I was really impressed with everyone's behavior as well as my own.  We ran out of time, but we all had fun and got plenty of exercise walking around.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sofia's Consecration

It's tradition for Jews to celebrate a child beginning her Jewish education and we celebrated Sofia's today.  She was very proud of herself and it was special.  Sofia just shines.