Monday, July 14, 2008

Hmmm, blueberries...

Uncle Todd is staying with us tonight and I offered him a piece of blueberry pie. He declined and Samantha looked at him and said, "I like blueberries. I tried them and I like them. They make you have a funny face when they're in your mouth". Now all I have to do is get a picture of that funny face!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Sofia had a horrible diaper rash. Painful for her diaper to be changed and painful to look at while changing the diaper. She had 3 teeth come through which probably didn't help. Her rash has since healed and other than refusing to sleep in her crib (she prefers anywhere Momma is), we're good! I don't remember it being this bad with Samantha, but teething requires all rules (i.e. not sleeping with mom) to be broken for the survival of the family. I know we're going to pay for that soon!

Personality Types

My answers suggest I am a: Realist

The four aspects that make up this personality type are: Planner > Facts > Heads > Introvert

Summary of Realists
- Loyal and steady workers who meet deadlines
- Believe in established rules and respect facts
- Think of themselves as mature, stable and conscientious
- May appear too logical or tough-minded and forget their impact on other people

Hmmm... me forgetting my impact? OK, sorry! I'm working on it!

Independence Day 2008

We had our 2nd annual BBQ with our friends, The Mewes family. They brought fruit salad (yum!) and a slip -n- slide, but Sam wouldn't go down. Clay had a ball and I had fun taking pictures and watching. Jason made a fabulous dinner, as always.

We decided to head to a nearby park this year to view fireworks. It was nice because we could see about 5 different sets and did not have to deal with the usual mob of people. I did end up being mobbed though - by ants! I was sitting on the ground and noticed a few ants on my finger, then my shirt, then Rene' said, "You don't have any on - Oh my God...". I looked down and there were thousands of ants, like a moving carpet. Somehow our party had disturbed the colony and the ants all had to check it out. I still felt them crawling on me in bed, even after 10 ant checks... ewwww!

On the bright side, it's not something I'll forget soon!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A few months ago I took Samantha to a trial class at a local gym. Since then our little girl has become quite the gymnast. This belief has been reinforced by an invitation to an advanced class for her age group (3-5) that starts in September.

Sam loves her class so much that she asks daily if tonight is the night for gymnastics. She plays gymnastics class at home, sings the songs and comes up with her own themes for the week, following the order of her class. I help build the obstacle courses and we race through them together, which is always fun! She's obsessed with the monkey bars at Leslie's house and finally made it across them by herself, though now she has blisters on her hands! That's dedication!

Balance is something else that she's brought home from the class, meaning that if she catches herself from falling, she smiles and says, "I balanced!". I'm so proud of that kid!

Circle of Life

Here are 4 generations of our clan: Great-grandpa, Papa, Daddy and the girls, "Sammy Bobo" and "Sofia Leah". The picture isn't that recent, but I'm glad that we have it because it's nice that we can see them all together. We don't see much of my family so I'm especially grateful for my in-laws.