Sunday, July 31, 2011


Today I took the girls to a "class" at a nearby park.  I've been trying to get them for years and finally attained my goal.  It's a beautiful area with a beach and plenty of trails.  There is a huge emphasis on sustainability and it's a friendly place.  I'm happy that Samantha and Sofia enjoyed themselves.  The girls had so much fun today that they're excited to go back as soon as possible! 

Here's some pictures...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another milestone with a new bike

Last Sunday we took a trip to the bike store to get Samantha a bigger bike with no training wheels. She picked one and once we got home she tried it out. Our neighbors had their slip-n-slide out and invited us to join them. Being the motivating mother I am and sensing an opportunity to build Samantha's confidence, I told her she could go as soon as she made it down the hill in the backyard. I told her she has to know she can do it and it's fine if she falls, but she has to get back up to try again. Of course, she made it on the first try. Then it off to our neighbor's yard. Samantha got her fill and asked to come home and practice riding some more.

Here we are two days later and she is starting and stopping herself, riding on our street (while checking for traffic), and incredibly proud of herself. It was a joy to see her so happy with herself, knowing she was doing it ALL BY HERSELF! Later, I thanked her because moments like these are some of the best parts of parenting.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Highlights of Mid-Summer

I was reflecting recently on how fast the summer has passed this year. We have only one week of July left!  I guess time really does fly!

We have seen friends...

Got to have an impromptu performance at Book Club...

Visit with cousins Jennifer and Michael who finally got to meet Sofia...

Time with more friends...

And a tale of two sets of sisters...

Adventures with Grammy... 

And family walks with Fonz around parks.

We are so fortunate to have our family and our friends!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Day with Daddy

Since I had to work today and Daddy had today as a holiday (and daycare was closed), Daddy had the girls all to himself. It was an exhausting weekend, but in spite of being tired, the girls went to an indoor trampoline playground. Each kid hopped for a solid hour. Nana went with and said she was tired just watching the girls. Papa took a break from golf and joined everyone for lunch too. After some quiet time at home, they headed to a park and got slushies (a.k.a. Squishys) on the way home.

When I returned home, everyone was very tired, but happy.  We are extremely blessed in our lives.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July Weekend

The holiday weekend was relaxing and fun. It was nice to just be and focus on family time.  There was synagogue, a splash park, ice cream, and most importantly time just spent together. 

The girls and their cousins had fun playing together!

On the 4th, I swam with the girls while Daddy worked out.  After some rest, the girls slept and we headed to Como Town for some rides!

Once we got home, we hung out with our neighbors and all the kids wore themselves out.  There was some debate about whether we would make it to see the fireworks and Lexy gave us her own fireworks show.  We finally retreated inside after a mosquito attack (I was bitten 24 times) and got to bed.  It was exhausting, but a fun day!

What a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Fonzie!

Fonzie is 13! Our buddy and much loved beast of a Husky dog made it! He got a large amount of treats all day!

The entire family came to his birthday party today! We all ate a fantastic dinner. Thank you Daddy and Papa! Best of all, we enjoyed plenty of time with all the kids. They all had fun running around and playing. Sofia, Samantha, Dylan and Jordan are wonderful and so cute to watch! (Though Nana sticking her hand in Jordan's diaper knowing there was poop and then touching Daddy... Could've done without that.).

Fonzie's hearing is going, but not enough to drown out the fireworks that normally occur with the holiday. He is starting to seem like a really old dog, especially with this heat wave. Fonzie is loved and a member of our family. I was extremely pleased that he went into "spaz" mode and demonstrated his ability to run at full speed around the back yard this afternoon! It's so cool to see!

This is the face Fonzie makes when I take a picture of him eating his birthday present from Nana and Papa.  I think it means, "Aw Mom! C'mon!"

Friday, July 1, 2011

I am not where I came from, I am what I choose to become.

Carl Jung had it right.

I try to live in the moment every day, yet there are times when I look back with appreciation that I conquered my demons.  Compared to most people, I had it really good - I just lacked some coping skills.  I have a mother who is (and has always been) in my corner, loving me despite the mess I was.  People appeared in my life just when I needed their help.  Some are still here, others are not.  Now I have a family of my own who loves me and is eager to spend time with me.  I have friends who love the adventures (read: escapades) we have.  I'm blessed and I appreciate what I have and where I came from.  But I'm not done.  I still have people to meet and things to do.  It's important to me to help folks in any way possible because that's what helped me in my darkest moments.  Sometimes it's just a smile and/or a empathetic ear.  Other times it's being assertive by standing up against negativity.  It can be as simple as seizing an opportunity to assist someone.  The strangest thing is I end up feeling better afterwards, just by being kind.  Pay it forward! 

Remember this always my daughters, your choice is what you become since you have no control of where you come from.  Focus on what you still have to do while taking care of yourself... That is how you attain true happiness.