Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life with two kids (more than twice the work!)

I recently took the girls a Halloween party. With Sofia moving at high speeds and Sam being everywhere at once, I learned a lesson on how life is going to be with 2 active daughters. Both had their best friends to play with and seemed to be on the opposite sides of a very large room ALL the time. I didn't think ahead to eating dinner (booster chair needed!). I was almost as messy as Sofia with her on my lap! I didn't really eat anything since I didn't have enough hands and Sofia kept taking my food. Sam ending up mostly eating cookies and meatballs for dinner, but as long as it's not the norm, I think we'll all live.

Witness Sofia after having "Slime Cake"...

I have a feeling though that it's going to be like this from now on. There is never a dull moment and hopefully I'm being realistic in not expecting one! As a smart woman once offered, "Parenting is one big game of whack-a-mole. You think you've got it, and then another one pops up.'' It's a good thing I love adventure!

All in all, I cannot believe how blessed I am to have these wonderful monsters...

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