Thursday, August 4, 2011

Canoeing with Samantha

Today we were able to return to a new favorite park for some quality time, just me and Samantha. We were overdue on an adventure with just us and this was a great idea!

I haven't been canoeing since the adventure with Daddy and Antie She when I was pregnant with Samantha. It was fun and Daddy would've been proud of me because I did well getting us around!

Samantha also did well even though she tired out quickly. Not only was it physically exerting, but it was Thursday night and she had spent most of the day in a pool. She spent most of our time on the water telling me where she wanted me to go and to hurry. (I wisely chose to have sense of humor about it.)  We were playing a game to retrieve sponges and Samantha's competitive streak came out a bit.  There are times I feel like I'm looking into a mirror when I'm with her, which makes me a little scared, but very proud too.  It is such a honor to be her mom!

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