Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Chinese class with Samantha

Samantha and I just finished a class on Chinese language and culture. She had a little Chinese at her preschool and was excited about the opportunity, especially because her friend Ella and her mom could join us. Our friends couldn't make it to every class, but we had fun! We learned about the history, provinces and tea in China. We made crafts and learned about some of the traditions to celebrate Chinese New Year. Samantha shined when it came to reciting the numbers because she remembered that from her previous exposure. Both of the teachers were in awe of her, as was I!

Samantha and I are still practicing the phrases we learned. She seems amused by watching me struggle to pronounce the words correctly! I'm so glad we did this! I love that we take time to do things together!

Ni hao!

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