Monday, November 10, 2008

Good day

Daddy's trip wasn't cancelled, so I'm single parenting. I did good today! No losing patience while accomplishing tasks like giving Sam her medicine with the nebulizer, baths and the grocery store. I usually try to minimize the things that need to be done when Daddy is gone so I can focus on the kids and have a little left over for Fonz. I'm proud to say that both kids (and the dog) were wonderfully well-behaved. Everyone wins when Mom stays calm! I have been struggling a bit with patience, so it was a great reminder for me of how attitude really is everything!

Thank you to the store cashier who took my groceries after Sam needed an emergency potty break, the neighbor who held Sofie while I attended to Sam and Grammy for walking the dog so he's not left out. It really does take a village and I appreciate the help from everyone, including the kids!

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